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Miranda Writes

LOL! So cheesy, but cool!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


It seems like just yesterday my daughter was just a blob consisting of folds of flesh and tiny little bones. Completely helpless. Totally dependent on me for everything. Not even able to open her fist. Struggling to keep her head up, which after only seconds, brought on sleepy time.

I don’t know about other parents, but I feel like I’m constantly waiting for the next milestone, mistakenly thinking that then things will be ‘easier’. I couldn’t wait for her to walk, talk, feed herself, potty training ect. And am already thinking about how much easier it will be when she’s in school and I’m alleviated of her daycare expenses.

Boy do times change fast. Dear Lord was my outlook ever so silly! It’s important to enjoy each milestone without anxiously awaiting the next, but I think that’s a pretty common thing…and each first time parent learns the same lesson. Now I wish she was a little helpless blob again!
The terrific (I use that term loosely) two stage is a wonderful time to be a mom. I get to watch my child learn and grow a little each day. Mature and understand more and more of her surrounding, and watch her personality slowly blossom.

Nevaeh is not a morning person. She takes after me in that way. Mornings are usually chaos at my place, but every once in a blue moon we will have the greatest morning ever and I always know which days those will be. I always wake her up the same way. I sit next to her and rub her back and say ‘time to wake up Nevaeh’…and sometimes when she slowly opens her eyes and looks up at me, she’s smile. This is a good sign! She’ll put her two little hand around my face, look me straight in the eyes and in the cutest sleepiest little girl voice say ‘good mornin’ mama’. SO CUTE!!

She’s such a good girl about so many things that sometimes I forget that she can be a little hellion. She puts all her garbage in the garbage can. All her dirty clothes go straight to the laundry basket. She’s very good about making sure she’s holding my hand both when she needs to and also just because she wants to most of the time. She reminds me to grab my purse and/or my coffee when we’re flying out the door in the morning and I have left something behind. She’ll bust out with an ‘ I lub you so much’ at just the right moment. She can be the smartest, greatest, sweetest kid around.

On the flip side (ya had to know there’s a flip side) she wants to do what mommy does. She wants to put mama’s bra on. She wants make-up, or as she would say ‘put da pity (pretty) ahla eyes; put da pity ahla cheek; put da pity ahla lips.’ I’ve honestly never offered her make up. I rarely wear it myself. She’s just caught on and she wants it! She wants the lotions and the smellys (perfume). She wants belts and hair diddy’s. She wants a purse and possession of her YMCA membership card.

She's had a recent obsession with juice and cheese…. and maybe my head is in the gutter but how much closer can a two year old get to a ‘high society’ wine tasting?!

Since when did two year olds become so posh? Since when do I have to argue with my toddler about makeup, and her restriction from makeup not being the end of the world? Since when do I feel like I’m dealing with a 2 going on 20 situations?

It’s a very scary thing to get a glimpse into the dreaded teenage years when she’s still so young. If I catch her in an off mood and (excuuuuuse me) sit too close to her on the couch, oh boy howdy, ‘Get away from me! Scootcha boot mama!’ she’ll yell. It’s amazing how fast they go from being your little baby to being there own little person. I’m not sure if I like it. So lesson learned, I guess. In another 10 years I’ll be cooing over how cute she was when she wanted to try on mama’s bra, and how adorable she looked when she’d sneak into my makeup box and paint her face up like a clown.

Man, time flies when your having fun.


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